Tuesday, April 30, 2013

80 degrees and Sunny

It's a beautiful, sunny 80 degree April day. So the girls are spending the afternoon playing in the sprinkler. What Fun!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Playing at Salem Park with Julie

We always look forward to staying with Julie and Mike on our trips to Southern IL. The Salem park is always our last stop before hitting the road to go home. So it was bittersweet to hang out with Julie at the park this morning knowing that our family holiday was at an end. We couldn't ask for a better swing break! Thanks to Mom, Mom-mom, Grandad, Norma and Julie for having us. We love you all very, very much.

Horse back riding at Lake Glendale Stables

We have a fun tradition of going horse back riding at Lake Glendale Stables every time we're in Southern IL. Hannah rode Storm and Hope rode Watch Eyes two beautiful quarter horses. They were able to trot for the first time and did most of the riding on their own! The best part was that Mom-mon was able to join us and even took the girls to Eddyville to see where she lived when she was Hope's age and the church her Dad was the preacher.

Spring Break at the Farm

We had the most fun at the farm this weekend! We visited with Norma (who the girls had never met), did an amazing treasure hunt outside made by Mom-mom and Granddad,made many a trip to George's creek with Gram and Granddad (where they both fell in on numerous occasions). We had a picnic outside and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. We ate some amazing chicken and dumplings that Gram just whipped up and played with bubbles outside. We can hardly wait to go back this summer.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ava's first hike at Ritchie Woods

The girls and spent this afternoon hiking at Ritchie Woods. It was a beautiful day and we were excited to explore the trails.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

First Horse Back Riding Lesson at Sterling Stables

The girls had their first horse back riding lesson at Sterling Stables. They learned about tack and brushed their two beautiful horses. Hope rode a 10 year old Quarter Horse named Gabby. And Hannah rode a 12 year old Speckled Panne Thoroughbred named Lady. They were such beautiful horses and the girls were in absolute heaven. They spent a hour learning basic commands. Hannah was a little nervous but soon began to feel comfortable and Hope was calm from start to finish. The teachers both told me that they impressed with the girls listening skills. I was one proud mama. We sure are enjoying our Spring Break and can't wait to head down to Southern Ill in couple short days.