Monday, January 19, 2015

MLK Day at the Indy Zoo

We went to the Indy Zoo today. The weather was great but it sure was crowded. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Snow Day= Sledding Day

We an ice storm last night and the kids woke up today a snow day! Since they already had dentist appointments scheduled for today we didn't let the weather stop us. Both girls did a great job and were cavity free. Unfortunately, I have to make an orthodontist apptointment for Hope because their pediatric dentist thinks she'll need braces and soon, too. After lunch we went sledding with our friends at Forrest Park. Then it was back home for hot chocolate. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hope is Lenz Frenz January Ambassador

Hope was picked to be Lenz Frenz January Ambassador. Lenz Frenz makes stuffed animals with a built-in eye glasses case. Hope asked Santa for the puppy dog one from Santa. I follow the company on Facebook and entered her picture (with a blurb that it was a picture of Hope and her dog Ava) in their contest months ago. They sent me an email last month congratulated Ava Morcombe on being their January Ambassador and that she would receive a small gift box. I wrote back to thank them, tell them how much we love their products and that Hope's dog's name is You can check Hope's profile on and click on the link titled, "blog". 

Do you want to buy some Girl Scout cookies?

A great big Thank You to our grandparents for buying Girl Scout cookies! This girls pounded the pavement for a good hour during a spartic sleety/icy mix. They were in good spirits and had a lot of fun! We're going to go back and sell more next weekend! Cookies will be in on the 28th and are only $4 a box. We'll let you know as soon as they come in. :)