Thursday, February 27, 2014

Funny Thing About Hope's Glasses

A funny thing happened to Hope's glasses. Yesterday, afternoon I rushed Ava to the groomer leaving Chad and the kids with dinner cooking in the oven. So we could all go to Family Engineering Night at the girls' school that evening. Fifteen minutes later, Ava and I returned to a small crime scene. Let me set the stage for you. The house was eerily quite except for the sound of Chad fevorisly washing his hands.  On the kitchen counter next to him lay one half of Hope's glasses, on the bar lay a half used tube of epoxy and the other half of Hope's glasses. The kids were AWOL. 
There is a happy ending though. Hope and I went back to the optomoterst today. There's a warranty on her old pair so we ordered them in blue. She was even eligible for a new pair. Hope had an eye exam. Patching is paying off and her vision has slightly improved. She now has new scripts and was told to keep on patching. Hope spent what felt like an entirety picking out frames (Hannah and I stayed tight liped about our opinions so Hope could pick out what she wanted) before she finally settled on a pretty purple pair. Hope told me under no uncertain terms that she no longer wanted transition lens. Go figure! After almost a year of asking for blue glasses with transition lens. She very is a happy girl! We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of her fancy, new purple glasses and her free back up blue glasses. In the meantime, she'll just have to grin and bear her broken pink ones. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

The girls woke up each morning this month to find little a heart stuck to their door with a saying about something we love about them. This morning with a door covered in hearts, they ran downstairs to find Valentine envelopes tied to the back of their chairs and filled with lots of little gifts, crafts and Valentines. Ava even got Valentine's dog biscuits from the girls. They ate heart shaped cinnamon rolls, bacon, heart shaped eggs, strawberry and raspberries. Then it was off to school for their Valentine's parties. The girls came home and sorted through all of their Valentines from their classmates and opened a box of Valentine gifts from Gram and Julie before rushing off to dance class. Dad was waiting for them at home with beautiful roses. The girls made two heart-shaped pizzas with heart shaped pepperonis. The meal was finished off with heart-shaped brownies and red velvet ice cream. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Father/Daughter Dance

Chad took the girls to the Mansion at Oak Tree Hill in Carmel for the Father/Daughter dance tonight. He's an awesome dad. Even though he's working again tonight for the second night in a row. They're not staying long but the girls are over the moon to spend the night at a fancy Valentine's dance with their Daddy. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day Fun Day

We had about a foot of snow fall last night. Even though I had to cancel Hope's Girl Scout troop meeting for the 2nd month in a row due to weather. The girls did score another snow day! They made Valentines, baked Valentine cookies, played outside in the snow and came inside for a Valentine's tea party complete with hot chocolate and those heart cookies they baked.